Blog entry Here is my event Blog to document my Senior Project.
01 Mach 2021 Progress Report
Photograph contact Sheet
Sample Color and B & W Photograph
03 February 2021
Senior Project Mentor Letter and Proposal
Professor Carrier,
I am taking Professor Sue Wrbican, Senior Project Class for Spring 2021.
Professor Wrbican stated every student needs a mentor to review their progress of their Senior Project.
I hope you will find the time to accept to be my Senior Project mentor for the Spring 2021.
As you know I am a photography major and I have discussed and receive approval on my Senior Project from Professor Wrbican.
My senior project is called “A Day in a Life.”
I want to follow the format we did back in Spring 2020 Darkroom II course using “Species of Spaces / Especes d’espaces (1974) by Pierre Getzler.
I plan to break my Senior Project into three parts:
PART One (Photographs) I am looking take over 1500 individual digital photographs) using all the knowledge I acquired over the last four years.
“A Day in a Life” outline
a. Wake up
b. Personal Work Out
c. Breakfast
d. Getting Dressed
e. Shopping
f. Lunch
g. Gardening
h. Visiting Neighbors
i. Cocktails/Cordials
j. Cooking the Dinner Meal
k. Dinner
l. Nightly activities
m. Preparing for bed
n. Sleep
Part Two (“A Day in a Life Digital Book)
This book will have 15 – 20 of my best photographs with an individual narrative on the opposite page of the photographs)
Part Three (2 – 5 Minute short video on my senior project, narrated by myself.)
Professor Wrbican stated I will only need your professional guidance four times during the semester.
I was hoping to use your office hours on Wednesday from 12:00 – 2:00 PM for these mentoring sessions.
I promise to have a .pdf of my photograph or You Tube Link for my video progress email to you two days before our meeting.
Also, I plan to upload my progress on my webpage under the title “Senior Project” to give you time to review my progress before our formal progress meetings:
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Draft Calendar and meeting talking points.
I was hoping to schedule the following time 12:00 Noon – 12:15 PM for the following days this semester to review my progress on my Senior Project:
1> First meeting: 12:00 Noon – 12:15 PM, Wednesday, 03 Feb 2021, I plan to have a detail calendar and program management outline on how I plan to execute this project
2> Second meeting: 12:00 Noon – 12:15 PM, Wednesday, 03 Mar 2021, I have plan to have taken my photographs and have put them into a digital collection of my best 36 photographs
3> Third meeting: 12:00 Noon – 12:15 PM, Wednesday, 31 Mar 2021, I will have a draft digital notebook (.PDF file) for your review with artist statement, photographs, and narrative.
4> Fourth and final 12:00 Noon – 12:15 PM, Wednesday, 21 April 2021, I plan to have the final narrative video on You Tube and my webpage for your review.
10 February 2021, Joseph Thompson Senior Project Spreadsheet Calendar
17 February 2021 - Draft Day in a Life first video